Its good to hear from you!!! This week was so cool! One of the coolest miracles happened this week! It was 8:50 pm and we didn't know what to do. All of our plans didn't work out and we were stuck. Elder Tirado just said, well we will walk up the road for a little. We ended up seeing a guy turn on the light on his porch and sit on a couch, so we decided to go talk to him. After talking to him a little more we found that he really wanted to change his life around and get on the right path. Earlier that day his mom told him he needs to be in a church. She said she doesnt care if its catholic just to find a church. He said that day he was just hoping someone would come and help him know what church. That night we found him, he was sitting on his porch in the dark and saw us walking down the other side of the road. He went and turned on the light just hoping that we would come talk to him. It was amazing to see how the Lord got us there at just the right moment. The Lord has a funny way of doing it and sometimes its hard to have the faith to know that success will come as we keep our faith, but it always works out in the end. We went back another day and had a great lesson with him. He had a lot of little questions like what do Mormons have to wear, and where do we have to work and about tattoos and things like that. A bunch of things that wouldn't matter if he wasn't wanting to be baptized. He has such a sincere desire to do this for himself and his 6 year old daughter. At the end of the lesson we asked him if he would pray. He told us no its alright you guys can. We taught him how to pray, bore testimony that it doesn't matter what is said in the prayer, God always wants to hear from him. He decided to pray and the spirit came sooo strong! After the prayer he just looked at us and couldn't stop smiling. He said that he was feeling something that just felt so good. It was good to bare testimony of the spirit and that he will continue to feel that, and for his baptism he will feel it even more. also that he should be excited for that day and he was! As we walked away it was one of those times where you just want to cheer! He has a goal to be baptized on the May 21. It was the coolest thing!!