Monday, April 10, 2017

This Week Was A Pretty Good One


That survey took forever!! (A survey for SUU).  it was crazy! So that is why this email is going to have to be short. But i did get it finished and it was super weird. But it was good i guess. I am jealous to see all those cool pictures! (From family vacation to Zions).  Not going to lie, the area around here isnt all that pretty to look at. It is cool right now. There is a little bit of green because of all the planting. But give it a few months and it will be yellow and brown. Its really cool to see all the fields though. I just prefer mountains and stuff like that. Ha, you should see the "mountains" around here. There arent any close. out a bit there is but not here. You can see the volcanoes that are like a 3 or 4 hour drive away. Its looks like it was a fun vacation. 

This week was a pretty good one. We had a church tour with J--. She really liked it. We went over Saturday to have a lesson. We didnt have a member with us because our member dropped out because they forgot it was their 53 anniversary that day. Then it was to late for anyone else to be able to come. But it was a good lesson. We invited J-- to be in the lesson and he liked it. We invited him to be baptized and he said he doesnt want to but he really respects our church and really likes our church. He didnt want to come to church either. But J-- said she would be baptized. We didnt put her on date though. It didnt feel right. She did come to church this week too! she is going really good. When she was in relief Society a bunch of the members thought she was a member! she fooled them all!

We had a few really good lessons. We had a few meetings. The picture is of the people from our MTC district that were at MLC this last week. 

Hey sorry i need to get headed but i love you all! I hope you all have a great week!!

Elder Mortensen

Oh ya we found a frog and were holding it in our apartment and it escaped! and like any good missionary, we took pictures! 

We also went bowling this last preparation day. what a great picture right? haha i beat everyone. i bowled 165

Monday, April 3, 2017

It Is Christ Our Redeemer Than Can And Will Save Us

Hello Everyone!! 

Hows it going? This was a super awesome week! It all started off on exchanges with the Assistants. I went up to Kennewick with Elder Tolman, he is from Lehi!  

Elder Tolman and Elder Mortensen on Exchanges

While we were in Kennewick we found a super cool new investigator that put herself on date to be baptized! She used to meet with the missionaries but was put in jail on a false charge so they ended up lettering her out really quick. They should be teaching her up there now. Its always good to have miracles happen on exchanges but you also always hope to come back and find out miracles happened in your area too. When we came back and talked about the day, the Elders down here found some awesome new investigators also! They found 3! They found J-- in a trailer park and we are going back again tomorrow. He said we will make a fire and eat and teach him! He is super awesome.  They also found a couple, J-- and J--. They are super awesome. J-- came to conference with us and loved it! After Saturday morning she took us for lunch. We learned a lot more about her and her husband. He is Catholic and she is just Christian.  On Sunday they watched both sessions and after they finished they gave us a call but we missed it. It was right after the session that Elder Oaks talked about the trinity. We were super scared what they were going to say. We were both thinking they were going to say something about that talk for some reason. They left a voicemail and told us how much they loved it! It was such a relief! They said they loved how it talked about teaching the kids and they loved the promises the Prophets gave us...  They are golden.  We also helped their granddaughter move and she is really prepared also. They are excited to come to church and we are going to have a church tour this week with them all. We are so excited for them. 

So there is a soccer finding activity. Its where we all just get together and play soccer! You can go if you have investigators. It was the  M-- family that went with us. It was awesome. There was a less active member and like 15 investigators! Now we are just trying to get more members involved so there can be some more fellowship. But it was a ton of fun. I beat this guy and started running past him right next to the wall. He bumped into me. Between my legs being tired from running in the morning and him hitting me, i couldnt really stop it from happening but i smashed into the fake wall they have in all the churches. I ran into it for like 6 steps before i decided to stop for some reason. My head was kinda scraped up in my hair and my shoulder and arm were all bruised that night. It was all like purple. It was fun! Thats one of the most exciting things that happened this week.  

This week was just awesome! We had a few really good lessons and we stayed really busy. General conference was awesome! Sunday night we went to our ward mission leaders house with G-- one of our investigators and re watched part of it with her. She had to work so she couldnt watch it before. But we watched Elder Claytons talk and Elder Costas talk. They were both super awesome. She really liked them. She asked if they are online and how she could find them. So she is going to start listening to them!  I dont know what my favorite talk was but i do have a few favorite parts and ideas that were talked about and came together for me throughout a few talks. My favorite was about the Atonement. Elder Renlund talked about how the atonement shouldn't be seen as a separate entity that can forgive us of our sins and save us, but it it Christ, our redeemer that can and will save us. Also it was talked about how the atonement Is sometimes seen as a negative thing. But it should be seen as a positive thing and a way to see heavenly power in your life. I also liked President Eyrings in Priesthood. He asked the question or at least this is what i got from something he said. But to ask yourself if I bring the power of godliness in my service. That is something that we need as missionaries.  It over all was just a super awesome Conference. 

Elders Watching Conference

This was just an awesome week. I hope it was super great for all of you also. It was good to hear all the fun things that have been happening. Its cool to think you all met some people from the great Benton City! I hope you all have a great week!! I love you all!!

Elder Mortensen

Elder Mortensen and Elder Corral at Zone Conference